Pursuit Race Start Times Posted
The start times for the persuit race on Friday, March 20 have been posted.
Sailing Instructions and Attachment C posted
The Sailing Instructions and Attachment C have been posted.
Attachment C, which includes course diagrams, is posted separately so they can be printed without the entire contents of the Sailing Instructions.
Revised Scratch Sheet Posted
Scratch Sheet has been revised. New class breaks and class names have been added.
Got Your Tickets?
Got your final event tickets?
When you signed up for Banderas Bay Rrgatta you automatically got two tickets to the Awards Beach Party. You were also given the option of ordering a few additional tickets for your crew or other guests. Need more? You can order additional tickets online by clicking here.
Pelase be aware that our cut-off for ticket sales is Thursday, March 20! After that, we MAY have a few additional tickets available on a first come / first serve basis. If they are available, you can purchase them in person at Vallarta Yacht Club for $50 USD each. Once those tickets are gone, we can't sell any more tickets to the final event.
Get you final event tickets NOW.
The Other BBR Trophies
You're probably aware of the trophies that sailors get for winning races in BBR, but are you aware of the OTHER trophies that we give out?
BBR isn't just about racing, it's about a long tradition of having fun on the water. In a small way, we'd like to think that we respect that sentiment by recognising people and cews for attitude and achievement.
The Terry O'Rourke Memorial Trophy
Presented to the boat that most typlifies the spirit of the event, the perpetual Terry O'Rourke Memorial Trophy is given annually in memory of one of the founders and doubtlessly the greatest supporter of Banderas Bay Regatta, Terrance O'Rourke.
Future Rock Stars
We give out medalions to kids who sailed in the event, and a recognition of the boat that had the most kids onboard. We love to see kids out on the race course!
The Boat Parade Trophy
Boats that participate in the boat parade are judged, and the winner is presented with a trophy.
The Captain Ron Trophy
New this year, the Captain Ron Trophy is a judges-choice award of a barrel of rum. It recognizes the most "Captain Ron-like" boat or sailor during the event.
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